Audio tours at Roebling Museum

Historic Sites and Sounds! Come to Roebling Museum and try out our brand-new audio tour series.

They are more than just audio tours—each stop has its own soundscape, featuring firsthand stories from our oral history collection with expert narration from a voice actor. And you can check out historic documents, newspaper articles, and archival photographs as you explore the Roebling story from different angles.

We can offer these great tours for free because this project was made possible through generous grants from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities and the New Jersey Historical Commission.

To experience these tours, search for the “Roebling Museum” App (available for both iPhone and android). While we encourage visitors to explore Roebling in person, all tours can also be enjoyed from the comfort of home.

Give them a listen and let us know what you think!

There are three tours for you to enjoy:

  • In Their Own Words (museum tour)

    Go on a journey through the exhibit galleries where you’ll hear Mary, John, Helen, Alice, and Joe share stories that connect to our exhibits and artifacts.

  • Brick by Brick (rowhouse tour)

    Travel back in time with Paul, Helen, Mary, Tina, and Alice who remember their real-life experiences living in Roebling rowhouses.

  • Roebling Works (company town tour)

    Move through the avenues at your own pace to learn about different types of people doing different types of work in Roebling.